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The 2016 presidential election is getting heated and one of the candidates is surrounded by scandal. The American electorate is finally discovering the reality and the polls are tightening. We may be able to bring government manage back to the people as long as we are informed on the issues.
Hillary Clinton and former president bill Clinton have raked in tens of millions of dollars from around the world, including such dicey locations as Saudi Arabia, where a spouse may murder his other half at will; where authorities required schoolgirls back into a burning institution to die because they were not enveloped in their black tent-like garb; where people who drink a beer or are homosexual may be flogged or killed. Yet she poses as the protector of women and children. What did Saudi Arabia get for those millions of dollars? We understand it was not just a speech—that is a cover as enveloping as a burka.
If a doctor dedicated one of Hillary’s crimes, she would be destroyed. and Hillary’s revealed policy amounts to a promise to complete the destruction of personal medicine that she attempted in 1993.
At this point, what difference does that make?
I believe it is crucial for my visitors to stay informed on the problems before going to the voting booth. I am honored to feature this post from Dr Tamzin Rosenwasser, a board licensed in interior medicine and also Dermatology and has also served as president of the association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS) in 2007 and 2008.
Cascia Talbert
What Difference, at This Point, Does It Make?
By Tamzin Rosenwasser, M.D.
If Hillary Clinton’s partisans were doing an stock of her purported vast accomplishments over the past 43 years, there are a number of products they may desire to leave out:
Her failures, such as flunking the Washington D.C. bar examination after graduating from Yale legislation School
Her singular success turning a $1,000 investment into $100,000 dollars in 10 months, although Robert Bone, at AK financial Services, who assisted her to do so, was suspended for three years, and slapped with the largest fine in exchanges history
The sordid outrage of her firing seven workers of the U.S. travel Office, and trying to send an innocent guy to prison to validate firing him—all to give the travel office to confederates from Arkansas
The “completely innocent bureaucratic snafu” in which Craig Livingstone, hired by her as director of the White house office of workers Security, gained incorrect access to the trick FBI data of 900 people
The demise of “Hillarycare,” after it was slapped down by judge Royce Lamberth because illegal secrecy violated the federal Advisory committee Act
Whitewater, the shady genuine estate deal, in which 5 people were jailed for fraud, but bill and Hillary skated free;
The sale of the Lincoln Bedroom, for an aggregate of $5.4 million
The fact that she already has her two terms (Remember? “If you vote for my husband, you get me. It’s a two-for-one blue-plate special.”)
The incredible scenario that somebody who was not only “dead broke, but in debt” in December, 2000, after 27 years of living off the taxpayers, is now worth more than $100 million dollars (of course, they would not have been in debt except for Bill’s sexual harassment of women.)
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Even if we leave all this out, let’s ponder the warning chiseled in stone on the U.S. Archives building: What Is past Is Prologue.
The FBI investigated Hillary after it came to light during the Benghazi hearings that she kept official specify department government records on a personal email server, in direct infraction of the federal Records Act, and destroyed 33,000 emails, declaring they were personal. The department of Justice refused to prosecute her, although they have prosecuted and imprisoned thousands for far less. The FBI director in-depth her lies, e.g. that the attack on our Ambassador was because of an Web video, which she put out for public disinformation.
Hillary rejected our Ambassador to Libya the security measures for which he repeatedly pleaded. Left hanging is the concern of what the Ambassador was actually performing in Benghazi. He may have been running guns from Libya to Syria. and then four Americans were murdered in Libya on September 11th, 2012—but what difference does that make to Hchorý?
Personál Clinton Foundation sa obrátil na vedúceho personálu Clintona a zástupcu vedúceho štábu, Cheryl Mills a Huma Abedin, v mene darcov Clintonovej nadácie, vrátane Gilberta Chagouryho, nigérijsko-libonského miliardára a hlavného „dobrodinca“ nadácie Clintona, ktorý predtým dostal pokutu nigérijsko 66 miliónov dolárov za pranie špinavých peňazí. Ľudia chápu spoločnosť, ktorú udržiavajú. Neexistuje teda „žiadny dôkaz“ o tom, že by sa niečo stalo? Res ipsa loquitur. V prípade, že ste to zmeškali v legislatívnej škole, Hillary, to znamená „vec hovorí sama za seba“.
Hillary a Bill sa zrazili v desiatkach miliónov dolárov z celého sveta, vrátane takých kockových miest, ako je Saudská Arábia, kde manžel môže podľa vlastnej vôle zavraždiť svoju druhú polovicu; Tam, kde orgány požadovali školáčky späť do horiacej inštitúcie, aby zomreli, pretože neboli obklopené v ich čiernom stanu-like garb; kde ľudia, ktorí pijú pivo alebo sú homosexuálne, môžu byť bičovaní alebo zabití. Napriek tomu predstavuje ako ochranca žien a detí. Čo si saudská Arábia dostala za tie milióny dolárov? Chápeme, že to nebolo len reč – to je kryt ako obálka ako Burka. Keď sa Hillary stala štátnou tajomníčkou, Billov poplatok za jeho prejavy vyskočil z menej ako 200 000 dolárov na 750 000 dolárov. Dôsledok by mal byť zrejmý pre štvorročného.
Súvisiaci pokoj: Pochopenie toho, kto sú vaši mladí ľudia v okolí
Hillaryho prejavy oslovili 21 miliónov dolárov od veľkých bánk a korporácií. Je v tom odvážnom „1%“, ale uvádza, že takto nevidela, „… pretože platím normálnu daň z príjmu, na rozdiel od veľkých ľudí, ktorí sú skutočne dobre mimo, nie sú pomenované mená, a urobili sme to s tvrdou prácou. “ Naozaj? Aké ťažké je prednieť reč za 200 000 dolárov, nehovoriac o 750 000 dolárov? Mnoho ľudí nerobí 750 000 dolárov za 25 rokov a robia oveľa viac, oveľa ťažšiu prácu, ako Hillary alebo Bill kedy urobili. Hillary si, samozrejme, želá, aby niekoľko z týchto ľudí vyradila z práce.
Medzitým hlavné médiá trávia hodiny nitované na chlapa, ktorý lezí na budovu. Médiá sú úmyselne rozptyľované maličkosťami. Ak je na voľnom mieste lama, zakryjú ju. Nezabúdame na bezdôvodné zverejnenia počas rokov Watergate, ale teraz Hillary dokáže beztrestne rozdrviť právne predpisy a médiá zatvárajú oči.
Ak lekár venuje jeden z trestných činov Hillary, by bola zničená. A Hillaryho odhalená politika predstavuje sľub, že dokončí zničenie osobnej medicíny, ktorá sa pokúsila v roku 1993.
V tomto bode, aký rozdiel to robí?
Tamzin Rosenwasser získala svoju MD na Washingtonskej univerzite v St. Louis po tom, čo sa umiestnila na lekársku fakultu. Má radu s licenciou na vnútornú medicínu a tiež dermatológiu a praktizuje aj urgentnú medicínu. Rosenwasser pôsobil ako prezident Asociácie amerických lekárov a chirurgov (AAP) v rokoch 2007 a 2008. Dr. Rosenwasser napísal početné články a redaktory hľadiska a bol hosťom mnohých mediálnych vysielacích predstavení. V súčasnosti skladá knihu o lekárskej praxi. Pôsobí tiež ako predsedníčka poradného výboru pre výskumnú štúdiu Newfoundland Club of America. Ako celoživotná milovník psov a tréner si uvedomuje, že jej psy majú lepší prístup k lekárskej starostlivosti a viac lekárskeho súkromia ako ona, a jej veterinárni lekári sú platení viac ako lekári v Spojených štátoch za presne rovnaké druhy operácie.
Odkaz na tento príspevok: Aký rozdiel, v tomto bode to robí?
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